Chorister Intro: Caroline - Soprano

A chorister intro for you now from one of our lovely Sops - Caroline.

I have been working for the Met for nearly 5 years as a member of Police Staff in the Human Resources department. I've been in the choir almost as long - as soon as I realised there was a choir at work, I decided to join up! I did a lot of singing at school and then didn't sing at all for many years but about 10 years ago I joined a local community choir. I realised then that it is a great way to switch off from everything else going on around you, you can't be worrying about your problems and concentrating on the notes at the same time, so I find it's a brilliant antidote to stress.

As a choir we get some amazing opportunities to sing in fabulous venues. This photo is from Westminster Cathedral, where we sing at a Requiem Mass each November. The music is beautiful and the sound incredible. We also sing at smaller gigs, like the National PCSO Awards and internal Met functions like Long Service Ceremonies. But wherever we sing and however many people are listening, it is always joyous and uplifting and I leave with a positive spring in my step!

If you want to find out more about joining the MPC or wish to attend any of our public concerts please follow our social media pages or visit our website #MPC151Years

Chorister Intro: Liz - Alto

Chorister Intro: Tess - Alto

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