The Metropolitan Police Choir travelled to Kent today to sing at the funeral of one of its longest-serving tenors John Gray who died at the age of 93 last month. John joined the MPC in 1976 and was a constant over the next half century. He only stepped back from the choir in 2021 and continued to attend our performances including the most recent summer concert in June 2022.
John Gray (centre front row) performing with the MPC in recent years
The choir’s musical director Richard Fox remembers John with the greatest of affection saying “John and I would regularly talk about the music we were singing. We would chat through the musical points that should be highlighted within pieces and I would often implement the suggestions he made as his musical knowledge and understanding was so incredible. We would also have regular choir performance debriefs. Listening to him talk about music and choral singing was so inspiring and made me just want to start the performance all over again”.
John was a quietly supportive and warm presence at choir rehearsals and performances. As one of his long-standing chorister friends put it “I first thought it would take a long time to get to really know John but once the friendship was there it was lifelong.” Another of John’s fellow tenors praised his “unwavering contribution to this choir”. He continued “He was a true gentleman, a source of inspiration to all of us in his unstinting devotion to the MPC. He had a wicked sense of humour and a handshake like a vice!”
John Gray and the MPC performing at the Met Excellence Awards
He was very gifted musically and often stepped in at the last minute to play accompanying piano for the choir if necessary. As befits a true musician he had left strict instructions on the choir’s role at his funeral stipulating that they should sing Nimrod by Edward Elgar together with words of his own devising and Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring. According to musical director Richard Fox “his level of commitment and service to the MPC was an inspiration to all that were lucky enough to sing alongside him”.
John’s enormous importance to the choir was officially recognized on several occasions: a few years ago with the awarding of the MPAA Colours and again at the Summer Concert last year where he was presented with a framed photograph of the choir.
The MPC committee and singers would like to extend their sincerest condolences to John’s family. We were truly honoured to be able to play our part at his funeral.
In loving memory of John Gray,
1929 - 2022